
Dr Rolade Berthier lives in France and works as a freelance English language trainer in Luxembourg. She has worked in Asia, Australia, and Europe for universities, research institutions, and government & non-government agencies.

She has written these books: “Journey to the World of Public Service Employment,” “Cross-Cultural Liaison,” “Intelligence, Giftedness: Pre-cradle to Post-grave,” “A Guide for Everyday Writing,” “English Language Lovers”, and novels (“Future Perfect” and “The Whisper of Regrets”).

She is the author of several reports and journal articles on social and sociological issues, such as ethnicity and crime, employment of migrant women, and multiculturalism. She possesses a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Development Education (VSU), Master of Social Planning & Development and Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology ) from The University of Queensland, Australia, and has a French language certificate from Sorbonne University in Paris.

She is the owner of this website.

“I found your manuscript both engaging and very informational from start to finish.  At times, it was humorous, and I was corrected on my own grammar which was very humbling being a native English speaker.  Also, it was humbling because English has been a strong suit in my academics, but I continue to find out how much I did not learn in school as I read different books such as yours”. – J.A. Cox, Beta reader and American writer.

Rolade  aime écouter, lire et raconter des histoires. Elle vit en France et est professeur d’anglais free-lance au Luxembourg. Elle a travaillé en Asie, en Australie et en Europe pour des universités, des instituts de recherche, des ministères et des organisations à but non lucratif.

Elle a écrit The Whisper of Regrets, un roman sur les défis contemporains des relations amoureuses, et ouvrages non fictionnels: Journey to the World of Public Service Employment; Cross-Cultural Liaison – An Inconvenient Love; Intelligence, Giftedness – Pre-cradle to Post-grave; A Guide for Everyday Writing; et English Language Lovers – Teaching, Learning and Conversing before and during the pandemic.

Elle a rédigé des rapports et des articles de journaux sur des questions sociologiques, telles que l’ethnicité et la criminalité, l’emploi, les femmes migrantes, l’immigration et le multiculturalisme.

Rolade est titulaire d’une maîtrise en planification et développement social et d’un doctorat en philosophie (sociologie) de l’université du Queensland, en Australie. Elle est titulaire d’un certificat de langue française de l’université de la Sorbonne à Paris et apprend actuellement l’espagnol.

Elle est propriétaire du blog, qui traite de questions culturelles, économiques, politiques et sociales, et est active sur Facebook et Linkedin.

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2 thoughts on “Author

  1. So cool! I just moved back to Luxembourg to be with family, and have considered being and English speaking trainer. My Masters was in sociology. I find your work inspiring. Would love to connect and learn from your experience!! Hope you are well!

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