Monthly Archives: September 2024

Quiet Vacationing: Why employees shouldn’t lie?

Three weeks ago, I happily spoke with a friend about my son’s recent university graduation. Our conversation expanded to occupational differences and life-work balance. When I got home, I received this link from her ( I was taken aback yet not so stunned to know that some people lie about working when they aren’t, i.e. they’re on holiday.

Employees lie to their bosses for many reasons, such as because they haven’t been given time off from work and feel the need to be away from it. The Internet has abundant articles on the importance of taking time off from work: increased productivity, enhanced company culture, increased retention, lower stress, improved mental and physical health, and boosted morale.

However, not all employers understand this, and it is the main reason given by liars, which is a “no, no” justification. Walls have eyes and ears; hence, managers and colleagues eventually find out about such lies. Often, the quiet vacationers’ change in behaviours, e.g. being unusually secretive or defensive, provides a clue. As well, they may inadvertently post photos and messages showing they were definitely not at work. “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”- Mark Twain (1835-1910, American writer)

With the acceptability of teleworking, the other concern is not whether employees work in the office or elsewhere but about their productivity for the entire time they claim they are working. Some pretend they’re working by using applications that do the task for them; others by signing on to virtual meetings while doing personal chores or watching a movie.

If you can’t take time off for urgent work reasons, then get rid of your phone after your normal working hours and on weekends, i.e. simply disconnect and relax at home. If you need longer than a weekend or don’t want to disclose information about your holiday, you can inform your boss that you’ll be on staycation.

If you’ve taken time off or gone on vacation (US)/holiday (UK) without getting it approved by your manager or through a proper channel, then you’ve lied and disengaged from your organisation. This is a red flag for you and your employer, and there should be an honest conversation about the former’s role and responsibility in the company and the latter’s duty of care to employees.

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” – Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900, German philosopher)